"Who What Where When Why & Why"
lyrics to a Christian song written by Mike Flipp
(lyrics to a Christian song that need music)

Who are you?
What are you doing with your life?
Where do you think your going?
When are you going to see the light?
Why am I asking you these questions?
Why ain't you askin' them to yourself!

Who What Where When Why & Why
All your answers are waiting for you
You've been looking in the wrong place
The answers you seek are not that new
And they're right-n-front-a your face

Who am I?
What Purpose am I here for?
Where did I really come from?
When will I see the truth?
Why haven't I seen it already?
Why has it been hidden from me?

Who What Where When Why & Why
All your answers are waiting for you
You've been looking in the wrong place
The answers you seek are not that new
And they're right-n-front-a your face

Who can answer my questions?
What is really happening?
Where can I find the answers?
When will I see anything?
Why can't I ever get a break?
Why can't I get ahead in life?

Who What Where When Why & Why
All your answers are waiting for you
You've been looking in the wrong place
The answers you seek are not that new
And they're right-n-front-a your face

Who invented the Word's,
Who What Where When Why & Why?
In the beginning was the Word
And the Word was with God
And the Word was God