Freely I Give Unto Thee
Poem By Mike Flipp

All the glory and credit goes to the Lord
Without the Lord I'd have no sword
He gave me the words to use in this way
He saw to it I learned this in school everyday
Without putting into action some things I would need
I would have never learned how to write or to read
And then the inspiration of His work on the Cross
Made me want to write of our gains and not loss
My thinking is a result of things lived and learned
In the beginning it was bad, but now I have turned
How was I given such a gift as this
For the grace of God came and planted a kiss
Like the wild animals crossing a river
Some are taken by a wild and hungry gator
Some are sacrificed for the good of the heard
And Jesus was sacrificed, because God gave His Word
He sacrificed himself for the good of His flock
And now time itself is running out of clock
What I am sharing with you this very day
Is that God's plan for you is to follow His way
His way is through His son Jesus Christ
He won't lead you astray. Don't be enticed
By the Devil or of his wicked ways
For he comes to steal and games he plays
So I hope that these words can help you
The Lord saw to it that I would want to
He knew every aspect of my life to live
He knew what I would need to be able to give
But then there is a point in which you must make a choice
You will have to choose, and say out loud with your voice
That you accept Jesus into your heart
And that you'll never keep him far apart
You say that you believe He was born of a virgin
And that He died on the cross and took away our burden
He rose from His grave 3 days later
Back to His Father our glorious maker
Repent of your sins and pick up your cross this day
For the blood of Jesus cleaned them now follow His way
There is also a spirit, and very Holy is He
Ask the Lord Jesus and He will come to thee
The Holy Spirit will guide you in all ways and things
You must have this guidance the Holy One brings
If you will only do this and believe in your heart
You will be Born Again and will have a new start
You will live for ever in eternity with Him
Your life will be alive and no longer dim
Store up your treasures in heaven above
Pray every day to God with your Love
All of these words were given to me
Freely I have received and give unto thee