Born in a Manger

a christian poem by Mike Flipp written on 2/1/08

Sir, Excuse me, but your life may be in danger
That is, if you haven't sought the child who was born in a manger.

I am out this night, and you might think I'm crazy,
But the truth of the matter is, that other Christians have been quite afraid and / or lazy.

So please hear my words Sir we are running out of time
And you need to hear this if you've lied, stolen or done any type of crime.

You have been lied to, you didn't evolve.
The meaning of life is not a puzzle to solve.

There is a God and He created us
And the only way to heaven is through Jesus

But when the man heard that Name, he spat in my face
And then I had doubts about all of God's grace.

I am trying my best but they don't seem to hear
It's like to them this Jesus is someone to fear

Why doesn't he believe in God most high?
Why does he believe in the evolution lie?

Why aren't believers being more active and faithful?
Why aren't the Pastors being more zealous than comfortable?

A lot of why's with no answers to give
A lot of interpretation on how we should live

One thing's for sure, we are to watch and to warn
Both the believer and the unborn

So that their blood won't be on our hands
So that the Lord will heal our lands

Now have I offended you with these words I say?
Or would the ones that tickle yours ears be OK?

I could tell you to sit tight and that everything's fine
Our witness is perfect and we're right in line

Look at our country, everything's great
Finances are flowing, they've lowered the prime rate

But are we not to be looking at the signs of the times?
The lack of morals and godliness, the rise of sins and crimes?

Will you share the truth with someone you love or a stranger?
Will you tell them about that child who was born in a manger?

Read More Poems

Read the story "2!" about miraculous signs of the return of Jesus and about a cross over the United States